What is “Winning Too Much” and Why Does It Matter?

John Whitehead
1 min readSep 28, 2020

In his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith gives us his Twenty Habits That Hold You from The Top. These are twenty behaviours or habits that you may not even be aware of but have a significant impact on you as a leader. In this Vlog Post and for the next several weeks I will explore each of the twenty habits from my own perspective and what I have learned from them. I start with the first, Winning Too Much: the need to win at all costs and in all situations — when it matters, when it doesn’t, and when it is totally beside the point.

John K Whitehead & Associates coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

You can read my blog at http://johnkwhitehead.ca



John Whitehead

A Certified Executive Coach (PCC) engaging Executives, Business owners, HR professionals, Managers and individuals in Leadership & Personal Development.