How to Become a Great Leader…. maybe

John Whitehead
3 min readJul 19, 2023

A post on LinkedIn started an interesting discussion recently with this question: “The large numbers of articles on leadership on LinkedIn and elsewhere will not produce major improvements in leadership skills. They focus almost exclusively on WHAT behaviors to change to become a better leader, not HOW to change those behaviors. And changing behaviors is very, very hard to do. What do you think should be done about this loss of focus on HOW to change?”


I started to respond to his question and quickly realized that it was getting long and that I was actually writing what would become my own next post. Here it is…

I have attempted to add “how-to-change-behaviours” in my posts, mostly through personal stories. I think the reason that posts on how to change behaviours are few and far is because they are so personal and specific to the individual and the situation.

In my practice I often suggest to my clients that every night they reflect in a journal on challenges they may be facing. For example, do they get too emotionally engaged in conversations during the day, do they take things too personally? I then ask them to come up with questions that might get them thinking about the behaviour. Questions that often come up are: “Did I become too emotionally engaged today? Was it warranted if I took someone’s comment too personally? In the…



John Whitehead

A Certified Executive Coach (PCC) engaging Executives, Business owners, HR professionals, Managers and individuals in Leadership & Personal Development.